Title II: Preparing, Training & Recruiting High Quality Teachers & Principals
Title II provides federal funding to states and districts for activities that strengthen instructional leadership and teacher quality in all schools, especially those with a high proportion of children in poverty. Funding can be used to support a wide array of activities, including interventions for teacher professional development, so long as the activities are grounded in scientifically based research. Because communities nationwide face such a variety of needs when it comes to teacher quality, the law gives schools and districts flexibility in how the money is spent. It also holds them accountable for the proper and effective use of the funds.
Title II includes four funding streams to raise student achievement through effective instruction and school leadership:
- Part A: Principal and Teacher Training
- Part B: Mathematics and Science Partnerships
- Part C: Teaching American History
- Part D: Enhanced Education Through Technology
Need Additional Information: Navigate to VDOE website and open link Federal Programs. Under the title sections of ESEA, access resources for program administration, find related topics and access VDOE office and staff contact information