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Technology Summary

The Lee County Public School Division continues to commit many resources to the development of an infrastructure to support effective classroom instruction. The system has approximately 2000 networked computers, construction of a Wide-Area Network, and delivery of high speed Internet service to every school.  The use of technology is not a new tool for instruction or administrative purposes in our Lee County schools. Lee County’s technology plan coordinates and ensures ready access to instructional technology. Every day we are reminded of how quickly the world changes and how the changes impact student achievement. Today, our schools must meet the demands existing outside the traditional classroom. The continued upgrades and addition of the latest technological tools for the Lee County schools provides the teachers and students the opportunities to compete in an ever-expanding and changing global economic market throughout the world. The technological educational program in Lee County schools meets the challenge of serving a diverse student population. Our division continues to encourage the development of new instructional strategies, participatory curriculum decisions, and attempts to infuse advanced technology into all content areas. Each school has at least one computer lab and networked computers located in all classrooms. Also, available for use are mobile labs for classroom use and testing purposes.

To meet global challenges, the technology department strives to provide the leadership and support to enable educators to provide learners with equitable access to worldwide information through the state-of-art technologies and networks and meaningful staff development programs. The effective use of technology by the instructional staff will complement more traditional pedagogies to create an environment that better meets the needs of today’s students and to enhance the quality of life for all citizens.

Technology Integration

Lee County Technology Department maintains the following hardware for all staff and students. All schools are connected to the WAN with 100 Mbs and 1000 Mbs to the LAN. 30 Mbs Internet access is available for all schools. All schools have at least one computer lab and some also have mobile labs available for use. A wireless infrastructure in the computer labs, guidance, and media center is being developed at this time.

  • Centralize Server Farm
  • Windows Servers 2008
  • Barracuda Spam and Web Filter
  • Sophos Enterprise Antivirsus
  • Cisco ASA Firewall
  • Security - IP Cameras installed in schools
  • Office 2007 installed on all computers
  • Smartboards are being installed as available
  • Each school equipped with Classroom Performance System (CPS clickers)
  • Neo2 mobile carts available in some schools
  • Document Cameras
  • Small Wonder + Memory Maker
  • SOLAR— Data Disaggregation of the SOLS
  • PowerSchool— Student Information System
  • OdysseyWare for Online Courses—Credit Recovery/Spanish
  • Study Island—Virginia Aligned testing for reading and math
  • SuccessMaker –Remediation Tool
  • ClassWorks– Remediation and Reinforcement
  • Waterford Reading Program for Remediation
  • Taskstream.Com—Tools of Engagement and Management for Lesson Plans, Monitoring, Webpage, and Discussion Board
  • ThinkLink—Discovery Education—Assessment Tool
  • Various Software Programs for: math, reading, science and social studies
  • Technology Committee
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